Why do you see our sign in front of so many homes?
Well, what does the sign say?
- ... It says,
- "I've chosen the largest, and most experienced retrofitting company."
- "I'm getting the finest work at a price I'm happy to pay ... and I don't pay until the job passes inspection."
- "My house is safe, the work was done carefully, and I got excellent value for my money. They did everything they promised, and I'm happy to help them spread the word."
- "I've chosen the people who do Seismic Retrofitting, Leveling, Foundation Repair, & advice by a specialist. My estimate was performed by a Certified Technician."
- "I've done my homework, and I've gotten the most careful, highest quality seismic retrofit from the people who really know and love old homes."
Contact Us for an in-home estimate 310-490-7430